
Hey guys! This is going to be my last show for the semester. I've decided that I'm going to take the summer off, but I'll be doing fill-ins here and there. I'll also be back with my regular show in the fall.  

Here's what I played today: 

"Borders and Towns" The Lonely Forest
"Swans" Camera Obscura
"I'm No Superman" Lazlo Bane
"Left Handed Girl" James Yuil
"That Beep" Architecture in Helsinki
"Live Grenades" Let Me Run
"Flagpole Sitta" Harvey Danger
"Actor Out of Work" St. Vincent
"Here Is A Heart" Jenny Owen Youngs 
"Waitin' For A Superman" Iron and Wine
"Hot Little Item" Hands and Knees
"Spoiler" The Matinees
"Just Like Honey" Headless Heros
"The Pharoahs" Neko Case 


Once again I'm doing an all new music show. I haven't decided if I want to change my format to all new music; I really enjoy playing old music as well it just seems like I always want to play what's new. Here's what I played today:

"Entertainment" Big Fresh Flowers
"Heal Me" Everyday Visuals
"Won't Want For Love" The Decemberists 
"Burberry Blue Eyes" Razorlight
"My Friend" Bill Callahan
"The Number" Woods
"Here Comes The Sky" Crocodiles
"Sort Of" Silver Sun Pickups
"I'll Wait For You" The Bicycles
"Saturday" The Music Lovers
"Faded" Barcelona
"Can't Get a Read On You" Tinted Windows
"You Do Run" Cocktail Slippers
"Go Fish" Dreamdate 


This week I'm doing an old favorites show. I haven't done one in a while. Most of this week is older releases, but next week I'll have more new music. 

Here's what I played: 
"Turn a Square" The Shins
"The Next Messiah" Jenny Lewis
"Moisterizer" Eagle and Talon
"The Lost Brigade" Ted Leo and the Pharmacists 
"Success" The Oranges Band
"Dripping Dream" Sonic Youth
"Stay Loose" Belle and Sebastian
"Sing Me A Spanish Techno" The New Pornographers 
"Tell Balgerary Balgery Is Dead" Ted Leo and the Pharmacists 
"Requiem for O.M.M" Of Montreal